Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Here's to the healthy moms.

The healthy ones. Not the perfect ones.

I will be the very first one to admit I am far from a perfect mother.
To be honest, most days I fall asleep with a knot in my stomach,
thinking about what I didn't do, what I should of done better.
There are days I want to stay in bed and watch 29 episodes of desperate housewives
and eat jalepeno chips in my pajamas. 
Being someone's mommy is the best job, don't get me wrong. 
The. Best. 
I love every hectic, overwhelming, chaotic and beautifully messy moment 
of this journey. 
A lot of things change day by day, and a schedule is hard to keep
when you have a little person who {basically} owns you.

One thing that has remained the same,, for me regarding my son,
is health.

My sons health is a very high priority and has been since the day I held him
in my arms. I never knew I would be "that" mom. 
But I am. And until today I was always cautious to tread carefully with this subject,
knowing that I am one of the few moms with such a passion for this.

Until today I made sure to be polite mentioning that my son doesn't eat candy or 
that we can't meet you at mcdonalds for lunch.
I made sure that I went out of my way to explain that it's just what WE do,
and that I respect everyone regardless if we feed our children differently.

Until today I was quiet when a group of people were talking about what they were making  for dinner.

Until today I let people make jokes about me and I would laugh with them,
again, not wanting to offend people, or make them think that I judge them or think I am better.

Until today I ignored the fact that I consistently have been skipped for bringing snack for a play date group. Or kicked out of play groups because of my sons diet.

Until today I let comments slide when people say 

"A piece of candy WONT kill him"
"You are taking away his childhood. He will HATE you for this!"
"He will grow up eating junk food because you force him to eat healthy"

Until today.

This ones for the healthy moms who are constantly slammed for their choices.
And constantly made fun of, mocked or secluded.

This ones for the moms who feel alone and feel hated, judged and like an outcast.

This ones for the moms whose kids love kale. Actually love it. And no we don't force feed them kale chips!

This ones for the moms who feel like they shouldn't post cute stories about when their toddlers say "I don't eat gmos" 

This ones for the moms who sacrifice greatly to afford an abundance of organic produce.

This ones for the mom who is ready to give up.

Please don't.

Please don't feel shamed and please do not feel like you have to sensor what you say because you are scared someone will make you feel wrong or that you are judgmental.

Please REconsider who you surround yourself with and know that 
MOTHER knows best.