Thursday, November 14, 2013

Early potty training

I just want to scream it from the rooftops 


A lot of people ask me for tips so here are the deets:

Roman was about 10 months when I bought two pottys, some cool boxer briefs and a potty book. It took about an hour for him to go pee. 

Once he did start peeing in the toilet I would say "potty" and do the sign for it.

{super easy for babies to sign}

It didn't take long at all for him to sign while he was using the restroom.

I started very gradually- putting him on the toilet when I went, before baths, before naps/ bedtime. 

I was so super gentle, and lenient. If he didn't go I said, "good try!" but if he did I got so excited! And so did he! He was so proud of himself. 

"Just like dada!" He would always say. 

A lot of people believe the non factual statement 

"You can't push them- when they show signs, then start potty training. Not sooner."

Sorry.. But that's wrong.

The key to successful potty learning is teaching them before they are dependent on diapers.

Babies are soo much smarter than we will ever know. 

Also, being consistent is big. That was my downfall.

Changing diapers is easier. I was lazy for a few months. 

But when Ro started saying "new one, mama" every time he was soiled, that gave me the push I needed. 

I started letting him pick out a super cool sticker and put it on his portable potty every time he went. And 2 for poop! Sometimes he didn't go, and still wanted a sticker and I let him. It's important to keep positive vibes only or regression can happen.

Going out with a kid in underwear was kind of terrifying, not gonna lie. 

At the glorious target I got a portable toilet seat that can go on top of those disgusting public pottys. I also took his little frog potty with me in the car. I always had him go before we went into a store and before loading back into the car. This was much easier for us, because in a new restroom he got too distracted and pee shy. 

So now, at 21 months, 

Roman is fully potty trained. He wears big boy boxers during naps and bedtimes. We have occasional accidents, of course, which is normal and to be expected. But it was the easiest thing for us and he pretty much trained himself!

All my cloth diapers are packed away anxiously awaiting my second 

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