Saturday, November 16, 2013

Mom VS Mom no more

I want to start out saying this, 
I get it.
I do things different than most.
But it's not just for fun, or to be different, it's not that I enjoy being the black sheep. I'm not trying to make a statement or prove you to be an inadequate parent.
I'm not judging you for not feeding your child like mine. I'm not on a self put pedestal. 
Wait for it. . . . . 
I. Don't. Care. 
Really, it's that's simple.
You feed your kid cake for breakfast?
And believe it or not, I don't do things differently to piss you off. Or make you feel like a bad mom, or to try to compete with anyone. 
It's simply because this is something I have chosen to do with my son.
If you want advice I'll gladly give it, but if not, I'll like your picture of your baby eating an Oreo because it's adorable and I know how fun it is to watch your child eat something they find so yummy & really enjoy. 
That's mutual in mommydom.

What moms don't realize is that we have more in common than we think. 
We love our kids and want the best. Instead of dividing a line between moms who do things different; 

The perfect mom who does Pinterest worthy crafts with her toddlers Every. Single. Day. probably cries in the bathroom while little hands reach under the door yelling for her after a hard afternoon, too. 

The mom who has perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect make up, perfectly matching and well behaved kids at target while you have one eye with mascara, yesterday's foundation and an outfit from three years ago that has your babies breakfast on the sleeve. 
Instead of scoffing, 
Walk by her and say something nice.
Because maybe she's just like you. 
Because maybe this is the first time in years she has felt beautiful.
Because maybe yesterday, she had yesterday's make up on too and was rocking the mom bun while grocery shopping. 

When you pass a new mom with a screaming newborn in her hands, with that look of defeat of her face. Who is fighting back tears while trying to console her baby, 

Hug her. 
Buy her a coffee.
Tell her she's doing great.
Tell her she will sleep again.
Tell her she's a great mom.
Tell her this will pass.
Tell her she's beautiful.

There's that mom who forever is posting pictures of her perfect little life, and family. Don't be so quick to judge her because she may be envying what you have, which you may not even think is worth envying.
She may be quietly going through something unimaginable. 

All moms are working a 24-round the clock-exhausting-amazing-terrifying-humbling-all-time-consuming-job 
Every day. 
Formula moms, breastfeeding moms, working moms, single moms, stay at home moms.
We all have one thing in common. 


Ok, what I really meant is, our heart.
Our hearts lie with our kids, they beat for them. 

Raising kids is the hardest, most amazing job we will ever do.
It's also the most important job.
I think that it's safe to say 99% of mothers who give their soul to what they do, never hear how amazing they are.

Never hear a "thank you" for waking up 34 times with a teething baby at night.

Never hear words of encouragement after trudging through the grocery store while your toddler looses his shit.

Never hear "you are doing great" after a hard day. 

What you might hear instead is  criticism from your partner, 
From your mom.
From your In laws.

Mothering is a thankless job, and after being a mom for almost 2 years, I know how intensely satisfying it is to be a mom. 
But the fact of the matter is, 
You give way more than you get

So for those moms who don't hear it enough; 
{for those boo boo kissing, late night rocking, tickle monster-ing,  keeper of mama milk, peeing in front of a small audience daily, drinking wine in the shower while crying, never ending laundry doing, late night cleaning and early morning waking, impossibly tired, without coffee you might actually die, selfie taking (because this is the first time this month I brushed my hair!!) veggie sneaking,closet chocolate hiding, counter downer of minutes til dad gets home, silly song maker uper, teacher of all things, borderline freakin lunatic moms who love their kids SO much they could explode.}

You are amazing.
You are enough. 
Through your children's eyes you are a super hero. 
You are trying your very best every day. And it is more than enough. 
( You aren't a bad mom, you had a bad day. )

I encourage every mom to try to say something uplifting to another mom as often as possible. 
Your small words of kindness may affect their world in a huge way. 
{remember those moms with the seemingly perfect lives are those usually far from it}

I encourage moms to come together in our differences and celebrate how good we are doing at a job that is the hardest on the planet.

Imagine a world were moms empowered and encouraged each other instead of judging and hating.

 We aren't so different after all.

Instagram  / hippiehails


  1. What an absolutely brilliant piece of writing . I am a mother of three 23,20 and 14. I recently became a grandma and I see my daughter struggle and have bad days and it breaks my heart, she is an amazing mommy and I tell her all the time how great she is doing. More moms should come together to support each other instead of acting like it's a competition. Bravo for your kind words!!

  2. Wow. Gosh, did I need to read this right now. I am struggling so much with self-esteem, post-partum depression/anxiety, all the overloading that comes with be a full-time mom with a husband working night shift (good luck finding time together with him!) on top of having a full time job and being in a doctorate program, is wearing me down. There are days that I feel so defeated (more than I have good days it seems) - and I feel like I'm the only one. I love my little man so much and wouldn't change a thing about him in my life - but when I'm not that perfect Hollywood mom who got their body back in 2.5 minutes after giving birth, and looks put together all the time - it makes me feel like a failure.

    This post reminded me that I'm not - I'm just being a mom. :) Thank you.

  3. Omg! Just 2 comments!! Fabulous blog. Thank you and pass it on!

  4. Great post! And I agree 100%...we DEFINITELY have coffee in common!! HA! Some of my fellow mom friends and I go for coffee just so we can escape mommy-dom for a little while! It's a great common ground! (get ground... LOL) Anyways, excellent post! I loved it!

  5. Great post! Every mom that is there for their child is a fantastic mother!

  6. Being a stay at home mom with 4 kids ( 6 yrs old twins, 4 yrs old and 10 month old) going to college full time with a long hours working fiancé... this piece hit me in the heart! I literally cried and cried when I read this. I have had the most stressed out 2 weeks and this made me cried it out! I cried so much because it has so much truth in it!!!!!!! thank you for posting this!
