Friday, November 15, 2013

The most amazingly delicious CHICKPEA NUGGETS{vegan}{gf}

Chickpea nuggets. 

Just the name alone sounds freakin phenomenal right?
I was cruisin' Pinterest and those word spoke to me. Why had I never thought of this before!?!?! The two ingredients were hummus & bread crumbs.
I figured I could put a healthy spin on it. The outcome was two thumbs up from my little boy and my big one! 

Chickpea Nuggets:
1 can of organic garbanzo beans 
1 vegan gluten free patty {this part is optional, but makes it so much tastier}
*i use sunshine burgers. Vegan, gluten free and non gmo verified with only a couple ingredients.
Lemon juice
1/2 onion chopped very thinly 
Fresh minced garlic{we are garlic lovers so I usually use 4}
1-4 TBSP of organic chickpea flour. {If you used a veggie patty you can use less of this. It can also be subbed with any type of flour you'd prefer!} just make sure you have enough for the nuggets to form
1/2 cup of less of lentils {I always sprout mine} {this is also optional.}
1 cup organic vegtable broth 
Pink salt. Pepper. Garlic salt.. Which ever seasonings you prefer. 

Put your lentils in a pan with the vegtable broth on medium heat and let cook until most of the broth has been absorbed. 
Meanwhile, have your vegan patty cooking. 
Take your garbanzo beans and use a food processor {I even smash with a fork when I dont want to clean the processor} and get those beans roughly puréed! Add some lemon juice, and season those suckers till they are good. I also use a teaspoon or two of tahini.
After the lentils and burger are cooked and good to go, combine all in a bowl and then add your flour. Stir lightly with your hands. It's good keep the texture. 
Roll Into balls and bake at 350 until they are done to your own perfection. I usually bake them for about 20 minutes because I like mine crispy. 

Healthy, quick & easy and fun! Enjoy! 

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