Thursday, November 14, 2013

Pumpkin pie chia pudding{vegan}{gf}

If you're like me, making breakfast in the morning equals a frantic toddler grabbing at your legs screaming for breakfast right NOW!!!! Roman goes from content to starving in .5 seconds. 

So I'm all about preparing breakfast the night before. And extra points if it's easy. 

I'm all about easy.


• 1/2 cup pumpkin 

• 3 TBSP chia seeds 

• 1 cup of {your choice of} milk 

• dash of vanilla 

• 1-3 TBSP pure maple syrup 

Any other add-ins to your hearts desire. 

Ginger, cinnamon, allspice are good in this, too. 


That's it. Add to a glass container, stir and put in the fridge over night. 

This is a whole house pleaser, and especially toddler friendly.

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